What a year! We accomplished so much this year together and I am so grateful. First and foremost, here is to your good health and strong body! As I mention often times in class, 2% of the population can do my classes (they are rigorous and challenging) especially when we add weights to the poses, Pilate balls to our cardio workout and yoga and ballet to TRX) and you continue to show up each week (sometimes two or three times). Second, you enabled me to share what we do with the bigger population. You participated in my photo shoots for my website and my video (which was a total success based on the feedback I received). Third, your dedication to my classes drives me to learn about new formats, exercises and the body and how to mix technique so we get the maximum benefit in our hour. Fourth, a big thank you to the people who open their studios, clinics, offices, companies and homes to me and allow me to teach in beautiful spaces (I have been told I have the best locations in Madrid and I believe it :). Finally, to my wonderful clients/ friends who are so supportive of what I do and drive me to be my “best self”. It’s a true gift that I can wake up each day and go to work and inspire people all day long.
Here is to a wonderful past year and an awesome New Year and continuous good health, energy and spirit!