If you think exercise is just for getting into shape for bikini season, think again. We are much more than our numbers.

Yes, many people want to drop 5 pounds, have legs of steel, a flatter stomach and a nicely shaped butt, but those are short-term transactional goals. Although there is nothing wrong with these goals, I would ask you to think about exercise on a much larger scale, the big picture, the long term goal that impacts your life today, tomorrow and 50 years from now. Yes, exercise is the new game of life. We exercise so we can wake up in the morning without pain, we can sit and stand at work for longer hours with better alignment, we can play the sports we like, we can participate in physical activities with our kids and our grandchildren, we can travel the world and climb the stairs to see the sites we´ve dreamed of, we can sign up for half marathons at eighty years old, yes these are the reasons we exercise, to improve the quality of our life for a lifetime and to share more of our life with people we love. What´s the best exercise to keep us in shape? The one that you feel passionate about, the one that keeps you moving and motivated, that sometimes you forget your exercising because your so caught up in the moment. Yes, that is why exercise for a better quality of life because bikini season comes and goes.

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